
About Us

Greenleaf Creations is a family-driven venture born from a shared passion for creativity and exploration. As a husband-and-wife team with a love for all things "nerdy," we combine our skills in coding, design, building, and photography to craft digital experiences that matter.

Our inspiration comes from our son, fueling our mission to make the world a better place through safe, thoughtful, and fun digital creations. Whether it's developing interactive games, designing engaging websites, or capturing life's special moments through photography, we strive to inspire, educate, and foster meaningful connections.


Games for Kids (and Adults)

We noticed our kid playing games on his tablet and realized how awful and predatory a lot of those games are, and decided to do something about it. We have a strong philosophy about how games for kids (and even adults) should behave when it comes to privacy, as well as certain predatory tactics that many game makers and advertisers employ to make your personal information their product. Read More »


Web Site Development and Hosting

We offer web site development and hosting services specifically tailored to clients who are not "techies" themselves. We especially enjoy helping those who are just starting out and need some personalized assistance in making their visions come to life. Read More »


Photography and Photo Services

We can help you with all kinds of photography and photo projects including photo shoots, editing photos, and helping you scan in old photos to preserve your family history. We are happy to discuss your ideas and help you bring them to fruition. Read More »

Get In Touch

If you have any feedback or questions, we would really love to hear from you!

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